Shown above is a text-based story game that is under development currently! The flow of the game is projected to be similar to that which is depicted in the video. There will be 6 "days" which are comprised of an encounter, and a day's recap. Each day's encounter will be randomized, and the encounters are scriptable objects. This means each encounter is scalable, which means the overall game length can be easily manipulated through the amount of days. My current responsibility is programming the transition of each day to a "day's recap," based upon which option the player chose on the encounter screen. A gameplay on an Android device will be posted after our Alpha deadline, which is 2/20/20. I am working with 3 other people, and this is the first project where I am working with other people using version control. Our group is using "Gitkraken," and we have already done a fair amount of troubleshooting in regard to using version control, so that each person in the group can use the repository correctly on their respective computers.
Group Members:
Veer Jangalwa
Allan Phan
Nicholas Trevino
James Dollar (me)

Shown above is a snippet of our Gitkrackin repository at the current stage of development.
Shown below is our gold build of Travel Management. The game is like "Oregon Trail," except on the ocean. I built the recap screens, start state, win state, lose state, and pause screen. I made the win state and lose state by adding content to the resource manager code that Nicholas built, and the pause screen is enabled/disabled by the player swiping on the screen of the phone.
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