Show below is an elevator pitch for Trick or Terror.

Trick or Terror operates like a "tower defense" game, in that 3 players must survive a player surrogate AI controlled onslaught for a designated amount of waves.
Goal/Win Condition:
Work together to craft Tricks and Treats to spread around the yard, to survive three waves of enemies. The house begins the game with 20 HP. If the House HP gets to 0, the game is over and the AI wins. If the House survives all the Waves, the Players win.
Playing the Game
The First Wave contains three Enemies, The Second Wave contains six Enemies, The Third Wave contains seven Enemies, and the Boss. After the card drawing, rolling a D6 for enemy class spawns, and the trick or treat crafting phase, the players must place their new items onto the field, thereby creating traps. The players now must make sure the AI cannot attack them, and they also must keep the flow of traps and treats open by drawing from the deck.
The House
The House starts with 20 HP. During the AI’s turn, Players will write down of how much HP the house has left, after the AI’s Attack Phase. At the end of each Wave, ¼ of what the House lost in HP is returned to them.
Shown below is our House Health tracker sheet. This sheet makes it easy for the player to keep track of numbers important to gameplay.

Shown below are images of the items that can be crafted from the deck of card inventory items. The sheet's purpose is to clearly explain to the player: What it takes to craft the item, what the item does, how large the item's range is, and how many turns each item lasts.

AI Spawning Phase:
One enemy will spawn at the beginning of every AI turn. If all the enemies of a class have already been used that wave, re-roll until another class is selected. The Boss Monster will spawn on the next AI turn after the last enemy in the third wave spawns. When the Boss Monster spawns, it automatically spawns in the middle spawn area.
Start Turn:Roll D6 for Enemy Class
1-2: Class 1
3-4: Class 2
5-6: Class 3
Roll D6 for Enemy Spawn Position
1-2: Blue Area
3-4: Red Area
5-6: Yellow Area
Class Movement Phase:
After the spawn phase is complete, each enemy on the board begins their Movement Phase. If an obstacle is blocking enemy movement, continue moving on the spaces surrounding the obstacle until the enemy clears the obstacle. If the edge of the map is blocking enemy movement, continue movement in the opposite direction of the map edge.
Shown below is the respective AI classes, followed by their damage values, HP, and their movement style.

Team Credits:
Taryn Allen helped to formulate the rules, specifically the effects of the crafted items. Taryn also helped with the tweaking of later iterations of the AI.
Cameron Holmes coordinated with Sarah to develop the House Health Tracker Sheet.
Sarah Mitchell created all art used in the game, and worked with Cameron to develop the House Health Tracker Sheet.
Kevin Sanchez-Soto helped with the design of the rules, specifically helping Taryn and myself with the design of the AI.
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