Shown below is a full gameplay capture of my top-down spaceship game. I created a shooting mechanic, powerups that made the player bigger and smaller, added collectibles, a UI element that counts collectibles, a moving kill volume, and a powerup that removes the kill volume for a few seconds before replacing it.
Shown above is an example of how I modeled my ship's stability system with particle effects. I am using "Input.GetKeyUp" to make the particle system emit opposite of the system being used to power the ship in the current direction. An example of this would be firing a booster on the front of the ship, when the player stops using the booster on the back of the ship to accelerate. The ship's stability system is an effective way for me to further contextualize to the player that the setting they are in is space.
Shown above is my script that enables the player to shoot. The shooting mechanic uses a particle system that has collision enabled.
Shown above is my script that handles the logic for the powerup that makes the player smaller.
Shown above is my script for the powerup that makes the player bigger.
Shown above is my script that disables the kill volume. The kill volume simply translates back and forth, upon being touched by the player it moves the player's position back to the spawn.
Instantiation Practice - Bomb Drop
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