Shown below are the first 3 tileable textures I ever produced. The far left is freshly cut grass, the middle is a metal floor, and the far right is dirt. I produced the textures so that they tell a story on a micro level.
Shown below are fence assets, and a crate asset which I modeled, UVed, and surfaced for an environment that is currently in development. I made prefabs of each asset shown, and I edited each fence prefab so that there is variation among my fences depicted. I created each texture shown with an Albedo, Normal, and channel-packed Mask maps (Metallic, Smoothness/Roughness, AO). I fabricated my textures so that they tell a story on a micro level.
Large Rock asset
Shown below is an asset that I modeled, UVed, and surfaced. This item will be used in a Virtual Environment I have in development currently.

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