Elemental Aura is an ongoing project inspired by first-person shooters such as "Quake." This was my first project in Unreal, and I learned how to use Unreal's EQS system by following along with Ryan Laley's 'Deathmatch Bot AI' tutorial series. The bot AI skins are also from this series. The player's wounded sound byte that plays is the spy screaming in reverse from Team Fortress 2. The bot's injury sound that plays upon a successful hit from the player's primary weapon is from "Robot Sound Effects, Assault Mech, Robotic War Unit Sound Effects" from Youtube. The robot's death sound byte is the "Combine" death sound effect from the "Half Life" series. I followed along with "Titanfall 2 Wall Running in 30 MINUTES! Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Tutorial | Parkour Series #1" from Youtube to learn how to implement the wallrunning mechanic.
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