Shown below is a full gameplay capture for "Stunt Ball." This was a project in a Level Design class, and it involved creating an entire level based off the information inside of Unity's "Roll a Ball" tutorial. Please note that this was my first Unity project.
Shown below is my papermap for the level.
Setting & Design Goals
Setting: The setting of the map was made to make the player feel like they were on top of a motherboard, surrounded by electricity. I wanted the player's scale to be roughly that of a capacitor inside of a motherboard.
Design Goals: My goal was to create an interesting and unique level, with lots of platforming challenges. To do this I made a prefab that plays the sound a Jacob's ladder commonly emits, which is a crisp and stereotypical electrical sound. I then made a particle effect to mimic sparks flying out from the prefab. I modeled the prefab's visual features from Unity primitives, while pursuing the goal of making the prefab look like a Van Der Graaf machine. I chose to make it look like a Van Der Graff machine, because of the machine's fitting look inside of an electrical environment. My aim was to use the aforementioned particle effect with the design of the level's architecture, to further communicate to the player that they are not inside of an organic environment. I specifically chose the soundtrack to put the player into a competitive mood, hoping to ensure that their focus remains on the game.
Shown below is an image collage for "Stunt Ball." I took inspiration from motherboards, Jacob's Ladders, Van der Graff Machines, Tesla Coils, and capacitors.
_______________________________________________Stunt Ball - Whitebox
Shown above is my animated door that is actuated when the player enters the door's trigger volume. The door is the red rectangle. The trigger volume is represented by the purple plane. The green square is a jump volume. Upon contact with the items, an audio cue with particle effects will be played.
Shown above is the first occasion of player choice. The player can choose to continue on the main path, or go off on the path that serves as a "loop." If the player decides to go on the path that serves as a loop, they will be rewarded with more points.
Shown above is footage of the loop, and the extra points the player will obtain.
In the image shown above you can see the second stage of the level. The jumps require more coordination and thought here. The play space is also now at an angle, and this is a stark contrast to the beginning of the level. The challenge is further increased by the isometric camera style of the game.
Shown above is the final challenge for Stunt Ball. I wanted the game to have an adequately challenging final "stunt course."
All sound inside of the level was taken from ""
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